21 June 2008

HTML form attack

The other day I came across a post about the HTML form attack.

I don't think I'd seen this before, and I'm not well versed in JavaScript attacks (authors of the planet-websecurity.org blogs would probably point, laugh, and yell "NOOB!"). But when I sort of figured out what it was talking about, it occurred to me that a form on a page which is vulnerable to cross-site scripting could be made to POST to an arbitrary location. Try the following in a JavaScript-enabled browser, and see where it ends up taking you when you click the submit button:

<form id="gakkk" action="/good.html">
<input type="submit" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
document.getElementById('gakkk').action = '/bad.html';
// ]]>

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